Given the immediacy of business demands, you can’t be out of touch when away from your desk. Now you can free your office desktop phone–with its associated privileges, preferences and features–to follow you anywhere within reach of an WIFI or cell connection.
Place, receive and manage calls, voice mails and messages on your smartphone, your PC or tablet.
Even if the office is at home today, a hotel tomorrow and a coffee shop the next day, colleagues and customers can interact with you just as if you were in the office. With mobility solutions, your physical location is not a factor.
This is a free application and is offered on every installation.

Benefits for Business Users and Owners
- Work anywhere using personal or business mobile devices as your business phone extension.
- Enable easier connections with one-number reach, in or out of the office or out of the country.
- Protect mobile number privacy by displaying only the office phone number in caller ID.
- Manage office voice mails easily and quickly with a visual interface on your mobile device.
- Place long distance and international calls to contacts from a cell phone at landline rates.
- Stay in touch while traveling internationally.
- Get more done with instant messaging (IM) with colleagues who are busy or on the phone.
- See the status of other users before calling them.
- Rapidly find contacts in a list synchronized with the office phone system and your cell phone contacts